Sunset's Blue Wizard


Blue Progress
Picture History

Celebrators of Life; *Click To Read*

Fundamentals of Coat Color Genetics By; Linda Witouski

Miniature Pinschers, Tails From Snow Fair, 1956

The Blues Blessing or Curse; *Click to Read*

The Rare In Miniature Pinschers; *Click to Read*

MPCA 1995 Blue Meeting Minutes; *Click to Read*

Coming out by book!!!!!!!!!!
Memories, Notes & Pictures from Hertha Von der Kammer-Brugger, Co-Founder as well Life Member of the Miniature Pinscher Club of America, owner of Cinderella Kennels,
Imported Harlequin & Solid Miniature Pinschers,
est. 1910-1960
Over 41 Champions of record.
All material copyright owned and provided by the family of
Hertha Von der Kammer-Brugger ,
To whom we are eternally grateful
we will as well help them to protect it!
You may check on progress and release date by way of this site.

Cinderella Business card

Cinderella Business card

Copyright © MinPins-N-Blue 2001

The images or information on these pages is available for viewing only, NO portion may be used for any other purpose unless other wise stated by MinPins-N-Blue.

Most of this information was not on the web before this group, (this was researched thoroughly and documented at the time in the late 1990s). Nor has much been even mentioned in present day breed club's online history(s). History left hidden without the years of hard devoted work and donated $, as well time to uncover these hidden breed facts, history and or research. If you check our past membership, as well past group posts you will also see were many other blue Miniature Pinscher lists got thier start, as well founding information to branch out. Thus the further need for mention here of copyright to protect our work.

Information, facts, text, pictures or graphics may not be linked to, copied or posted to other web sites, or e-groups, taken, removed, printed, or used in any portion without the permission of


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We will protect as well seek accordingly to protect our work and rights against unauthorized use and infringement, either knowing or not. Please note; a criminal investigation WILL be initiated in cases of willful or un-willful infringement of any and all unauthorized use of our work.

Simply ask permission and we will be more then happy to give such, with credit given back to us for the work we have worked so long and hard to produce.