Sunset's Blue Wizard


Blue Progress
Picture History

Our history began long before 2001. My research began when meeting Georgette Curran in early 1990. A great many ethical breeders stood their ground and saved the genetics of the blue Miniature Pinscher we have today through out our long history from its very beginning. Though I may have founded this group I am but a tiny pebble of sand of a vast world wide beach. This group is a success because of the great dedication ethics combined knowledge and breed love of all those who make it up, as well those dedicated of the past who preserved, improved, and protected the gene, while never ever forgetting to improve the breed over all.

I founded this group after one of many of a long sometimes heated discussion on blues on a breed list in 2001. There was a day no one could talk about the color on a pet or breed list without being slammed for being of poor ethics. The comment I so fondly remember to this day from that discussion which always brings a smile was, “Why don’t you just go away, form your own group to discuss blues, we’re, (show breeders of the list) are tired of hearing about them”. Actually they had come to a point of no myths or hear say to debate the facts with, so once again wished the subject, and blues closed, pushed aside. Maybe a few years more would pass before the subject was raised again. The thought frame was, “if we don’t discuss them, or bring attention to them, they will just tire and go away”. The written, or passed on breed history was often changed to hide the facts of blue genes even being in the breed, so often in past times it did work. That may work well for something’s in life however it does not for color genes in our breed from the first history.

So, I contacted Georgette Curran, long time friend, confidant, mentor, and said, hey G, what do you think? Should we, she said go for it”. We agreed the time had come. After lots of thought I came up with a few names, then with long research I made sure what we decided on was not in use. Sent my idea through G, and Thus became,


World wide some of the finest people you’ll ever meet.


Special thanks to those who ask us to find our own place, it’s been a wonderful adventure, with amazing new friends we’ve bonded, and awe inspiring breed facts/research/study we have become educated on. It has been a bit winding with tests from time to time as in growth of all things which matter, but has always been a road most worthy of our travel.

Copyright © MinPins-N-Blue 2001

The images or information on these pages is available for viewing only, NO portion may be used for any other purpose unless other wise stated by MinPins-N-Blue.

Most of this information was not on the web before this group, (this was researched thoroughly and documented at the time in the late 1990s). Nor has much been even mentioned in present day breed club's online history(s). History left hidden without the years of hard devoted work and donated $, as well time to uncover these hidden breed facts, history and or research. If you check our past membership, as well past group posts you will also see were many other blue Miniature Pinscher lists got thier start, as well founding information to branch out. Thus the further need for mention here of copyright to protect our work.

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