Sunset's Blue Wizard

Miniature Pinschers

Blue Progress
Picture History

Tails From Snow Fair

By Mrs. P.K. Snow


Tails From Snow Fair, 1956

If the above faded text is hard to read, below is a reprint in clear text by one of our member's for better reading for all.
Miniature Pinschers
Tails From Snow Fair
By Mrs. P. K. Snow
March 1956, as referenced in the,
"The Complete Miniature Pinscher"
copyright 1957
Viva Leone Rickets
Today we bring you in picture a litter of Chocolate Miniature Pinschers from the Andrew Moller Kennels, 2130 N. Lamona Ave. down in El Monte, Calif. and we are going to drop in for a visit with them.  I know that few of you have known that this is an accepted color in our AKC Standard and fewer of you have known it is a reality right here on our West Coast.  Come along and lets go see what we can learn today.
Mr. and Mrs. Moller bought their first Min Pin in 1949 and in their search for a mate for their new bitch they heard about the Chocolates in the East and determined very early in their breeding career that would be their goal.  With their knowledge of other fields of animal husbandry they set to work on research into pedigrees.  They began their work breeding for good Black and Tans for a foundation stock as this was their first step.  In late 1951 they met a very wonderful couple from the black hills sector of Germany whose family had bred Reh Pinschers for 300 years.  They learned that in the early days of the breed there really were two different classes, one a working dog of 18 to 25 pounds and the other true toys 2 1/2 to 4 pounds.  These were the Chocolates and Blues.  Armed with the knowledge gained the Mollers really set to work analizing blood lines.  In this same year they were able to find someone who would part with a red male sired by a Chocolate.  In 1953 their first Chocolate was born prematurely and was lost.  Many litters and many trials and errors preceeded the victory of the morning of November 17, 1954 for at last success had come their way.  Fate and hard work, discouragement and yes, even tears and not to mention the 6 years and thousands of dollars expended - all this was behind them now with the birth that day of two litters and on the scene to stay was their own Chocolate King and out of the other litter was Kersery Dream another male who is now owned by Buna I. Wyse (Secty. of Miniature Pinscher Club of America) in Illinois.  In less than a year ten chocolates arrived on the scene for now they were working with both of the only two Chocolate bloodlines in the United States and incidentally these are on the Eastern Coast.  No Chocolates did not just happen dear friends.  Now you can see they were planned and worked for.
Chocolates are just born chocolates and they stay that way.  They do not change except to get darker as they grow older.  You readers have seen of course the chocolate Dobermans.  Just imagine then this color in the Miniature.  You see the beautiful chocolate to liver color with all the tan markings of the B&T right down to the pencil marks on the feet.  They have silver pink skins, extra fine and delicate, so thin and tender as a new born human babe.  Eyes are twany, pad's and nose and lips are brown to amber.  The inside of mouths area a delicate shell pink.  The coats are extremely short and fine.  Never, never do they need rubbing down, except possibly the neck.
With one mature stud working now, another 9 months old, a third 5 months and another at two, all different breedings and now with 18 females all able to whelp chocolate there is no doubt that chocolates are no longer a once in a while occasion and breeding stock is going to be available to some of the accredited breeders very soon.
The babies in the picture were just 11 weeks old at time of photo.  Believe me they must be 11 pounds of chocolate gold, for there represents a breeders goal and dream and success.  To the left we introduce to you VD Romo's King's Royal Heir, now 5 months old and just recently purchased by Bea and Bob Ragland over in Topanga at that lovely, peaceful retreat from the hectic bustle of busy city life Min Pin heaven, we call it, know beautiful youngsters and says they can hardly wait until he is old enough to show.
Thank you, Mollers, for letting us come in and visit and learning just a little more about our breed.  Good luck to you in the new litters expected at any moment and we are going to look forward to seeing some of these youngsters.
Mrs. Kenneth Kellogg writes there has been a reorganization of the Miniature Pinscher Club of California and they are looking forward this year to a great deal of constructive breed work and activities.  President is Dr. Harry L Helpurn, Vice Presidents are Peggy Doheny and Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw.  Directors are Bill Caruso, Andrew Moller and Mrs. Kenneth Kellogg.  Secretary is Peggy Hamilton, 6246 Heliotrophe Dr., Bell, Calif.
So many of you have written to us asking just how we were able to photograph sleeping puppies so perfect, picture of which was on our Christmas card which more than 300 of you readers received.  It was indeed a priceless shot of babies.  Don't heap any awards on our heads for being photographers.  We take reams of film in our novice attempt to record some of these rare moments and then a professional photographer walks in and takes four shots and that is what he gets.  They were taken by Wilbur Sims, a college student majoring in journalism and photography at San Jose State College, home on vacation at the time and filling in his hours busy with the home town trade.  Please believe me we slipped them nothing but tummies full of pablum and milk - so they would smile for us with a contented look.  Our first shots were spoiled because of too much activity but what babies can resist the call of the sandman after so long a time no matter how the world goes around.  These are shots one can never get by taking them out and we are very grateful and lucky to have someone who has time to come in and spend a little time and record for us these baby pictures we bring to you. 
So thereby hangs the tail for the day and see you at Oakland Show.  The Snows, 175 N. Curtis, Salida, Calif.

Copyright © MinPins-N-Blue 2001

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Most of this information was not on the web before this group, (this was researched thoroughly and documented at the time in the late 1990s). Nor has much been even mentioned in present day breed club's online history(s). History left hidden without the years of hard devoted work and donated $, as well time to uncover these hidden breed facts, history and or research. If you check our past membership, as well past group posts you will also see were many other blue Miniature Pinscher lists got thier start, as well founding information to branch out. Thus the further need for mention here of copyright to protect our work.

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